Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

mesin jahit

Name : M. Choirul muna
NPM   : 1610502057
Class    : S1 mechanical engginering B
Two thread sewing machine is a mechanical device that is equipped with two threads from the opposite direction and a needle that has holes on the sewing ujungnya.Mesin was first invented by Elias Howe in 1846 in the United States. It's just a way to operate is relatively simple as moving the needle from the edge of the hand.
 In the next development, precisely in 1860 Isaac Singer then start sewing menciptakanmesin two threads that can be driven using a foot pedal stroke. Here's a brief overview of the mechanism or the workings of a sewing machine two threads that we use today.Cara Kerja Mesin Jahit Dua Benang
The first thread of the sewing machine mounted on a hollow needle tip. The needles serve to bring the first thread through the cloth until it reaches the farthest position. While the second thread rolled in a lifeboat.
Cara Kerja Mesin Jahit Dua Benang
When the needle moves up, the first thread will be left and formed an arch. Hook (hooks) that are outside the boat will then take her crochet thread and surrounds the boat, so that the second thread can enter the arch between the first thread.
Cara Kerja Mesin Jahit Dua Benang
After the second thread entrance arch to the first thread, the needle will go back down. This will lead to the first thread to tighten and tie the second thread
.Cara Kerja Mesin Jahit Dua Benang

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